By Jim Eadie Wollaston Township has begun to prepare tender documents for the road repair known as “The Ridge to Bridge” project. The project has ...
The New Carlow Tech Boyz are using product innovation to carve their name into emerging manufacturing markets. From a 7,000-square-foot facility in Birds Creek, tool and die makers Travis Layland, Quentin Armstrong and Corey Armstrong combine talents to deliver products across the continent.
By Tony Pearson We are again entering a significant time of year, as spring increasingly makes its presence felt. For Christians of course, it is ...
Volunteer Nancy White helps people complete tax forms at Community Care North Hastings. TONY PEARSON Special to This Week By Tony Pearson Anyone who’s done ...
Located two and a half hours from both Toronto and Ottawa, North Hastings borders on soil shared with indigenous communities such as Tyendinaga Mohawks to the south; Pikwakanagan Algonquins to the north, and Curve Lake Ojibwe to the east. The 2006 Aboriginal population census found that the area is home to 1,450 indigenous residents. Numbers are the highest in Bancroft where there are 430 identified and 65 registered status residents. For the region served by Hastings and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit, 5,455 indigenous clients have been identified.
Despite overall gains within the cultural sector, which has seen a Theatre District designed in downtown Bancroft, as well as new venues such as A Place for the Arts and Bridge Street Gallery, questions are rife about the status of longstanding events such as the summer theatre program.
ome people foresee a sunny year developing; some find the horizon very cloudy. To a degree, it’s like the opening of Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.”
The Barn Chefs in Coe Hill: Luca Molteni, Sarah Woods and their son Matayo. JIM EADIE Special to This Week By Jim Eadie “After a ...
Three of the five Addictions and Mental Health Services H&PE counsellors located at the Bancroft office: Patricia Liverseed, Laurie Hall and Susan Poste. Persons seeking ...
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