May 2016 Archive

Opening a can of worms with idioms

Susan Ramsay, Early Literacy Specialist, Can’t make heads or tails out of it? He keeps beating around the bush and it is making you ...

Do you know your MPAC neighbourhood?

The following letter has been condensed for space. To the Editor, Perhaps you have your MPAC assessment by now. MPAC assessed values will vary by ...

Thank you, Bancroft Community Transit

To the Editor, My husband and I want to  thank all the office staff and drivers at Bancroft Community Transit. Without this great service, a ...

Mental illness: its effect on children

AS MENTAL HEALTH Awareness Week campaigns get underway, I talked with adult children raised by parents who experienced mental illness. The focus of these interviews has been to understand conditions from the eyes of children who grew up in situations where mental health affected the overall experiences within the household.

Sea Cadets build skills

The months of March and April saw a variety of activities at the local sea cadet corps, 229 Viking. In an exciting adventure for a sea cadet, Petty Officer Second Class Sonora Plumb travelled to Victoria over the March break to participate in a week-long sail on a tall ship. While sailing around Victoria she gained experience with raising and lowering the sails, navigation, steering the ship, and various other aspects of handling a tall ship under sail.

Wollaston passes 2016-17 budget

Wollaston Township council has passed their 2016-17 budget with a net tax rate decrease of just under a half a per cent. Both the school levy and the Crowe Valley Conservation levy are down slightly for this year.

Non-profit housing board resigns

The entire board of the North Hastings Non-Profit Housing Corporation has resigned as a body. In a notice distributed to every unit in the Woodview public housing complex, the board stated that “it can no longer effectively govern the corporation.”

McDonald’s plans improvements

Jamie Campbell, owner/manager of Bancroft’s McDonald’s franchise, came to town council last week looking to make several improvements to the Hastings Street site. He hopes to put in a second drive-through lane, and put in some landscaping greenery at the front of the property. He will also install permanent seating on his outdoor patio.

Police costs explained

Linda Davis, a contract analyst with the Ontario Provincial Police, came to Bancroft Council last week to outline why and how the fees charged to municipalities for police services have changed. In addition to Bancroft Town Council, Hastings Highlands Mayor Vivian Bloom and CAO Pat Pilgrim, plus Faraday Mayor Carl Tinney and Councillor Anna Wilson, were in attendance as Davis went through the numbers.

Rural affairs minister announces grants for local infrastructure

Jeff Leal, Ontario’s Minster of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, came to Bancroft on Monday to announce provincial funding of nearly eight million dollars for local town water and roads projects.

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