Hastings—Lennox and Addington MP Mike Bossio is inviting youth to form a new Constituency Youth Council (CYC).
To the Editor, I have asked Hastings Highlands to create a bylaw against garbage burning in backyard incinerators and firepits. Since most residents of North ...
Recently, the Town of Bancroft decided to take over recycling. Although the finances were initially somewhat confusing, a concrete plan was developed, and proper cost comparisons eventually made, so the town can now confidently take the outlined measures required.
This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Wilno murders.
After Bancroft council initially received a slew of confusing figures about the cost of the town taking over the collection and disposal of household and business recycling, treasurer, Craig Davidson, presented figures to last week’s meeting of town council which showed that as claimed, the move should prove economical.
Wollaston township council has decided to begin the process of dissolving the Wollaston and Limerick Union Public Library, and establishment of a Wollaston Library with or without the support of the Township of Limerick.
On Wednesday, Sept. 7, Nazrin, a refugee from Iran, was a guest of Shining Waters Presbytery hosted at St. Paul’s United Church in Bancroft. She was beautiful, sitting shyly beside one of her sponsors.
As holidays wrap up for most, yet another busy season begins for homesteaders. Those living on the land, raising animals, tending orchards and growing vegetables move into harvest mode, reaping the fruits of their labour, literally.
A new shop in Bancroft is helping locals experience their spirituality in a deeper and more meaningful way.
By Tony Pearson Last year, North Hastings High School (NHHS) no longer had a functioning outdoor track. The original, which encircles the football/soccer pitch, had been rendered unusable by the growth of grass and weeds; the gravel had been scattered, and one corner had subsided below field level.
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