
A heart-felt thank you

February 3, 2016

To the Editor,

On  Dec. 28, we experienced a serious medical emergency in our family.
The ambulance arrived  within 10 minutes  and transported us to Bancroft Emergency.
The doctors in Bancroft wasted no time in transferring Mary to Belleville, then on to Kingston.
All of the doctors and nurses at all three hospitals were excellent.
To the medical community, a big thank you! 
I  would also like to acknowledge all of the support and action on our behalf that we received from our community in Coe Hill and beyond. 
We had a number of people that helped to take care of all the little things that needed to be done but could not have been planned for.
Individuals and the community as a whole stepped up to ensure that not only our house, office and café were looked after, but also made sure that all of our animals were taken care of while we couldn’t be there.
This was done with no asking but just taken on as a natural and sincere offering of help when we did not have the capacity to focus on relatively minor but necessary things. Mary and I just wanted to express how much we appreciated everyone’s help in the last few weeks.
Dr. Rob  Kamermans
Coe Hill



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