Bancroft this Week
Export date: Mon Mar 31 0:38:28 2025 / +0000 GMT

An open letter to the residents of Faraday and Bancroft

To the Editor,

The term NIMBY can be used for Not My Back Yard. But it is actually spelled wrong. It is spelledNIMBI for Now I Must Become Involved. Twenty years ago my wife Pat, family and I moved to this area for the clean air as my wife Pat had asthma and could not breathe the air in southern Ontario. Many more people have done so as well. We built out solar powered home of recycled materials, choosing to live off the grid. The home is passive solar, heated by the sun or dependence and use of fossil fuels to reduce out CO2 emissions. We have been happily living this lifestyle for the past twenty years. We did not want to contribute to Climate Change for all those who follow. We have received television coverage in 26 countries around the world in recognition of our efforts. We have also received a National Award from the Bayer Corporation for the most sustainable housing design.
The proposed Freymond quarry goes against everything I believe in. If permitted it will be a major new source of CO2 emissions for 50 years, it is not sustainable. It does not respect life. Nature gives us clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and fertile soil to grow food, all to sustain life. This proposal can only be described as raping Mother Nature! If corporations can have the same legal rights as a person, then so should Mother Nature!
When you consider the total CO2 gas emissions that will be produced by the quarry machinery, all the truck transportation and the loss of forest and its ability to sequester carbon dioxide for the next 50 years, this quarry will be the largest source of CO2 emissions in the Bancroft area! We must recognize there are now limits to growth!
Just when the rest of the world is trying to figure out how to meet out global commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 per cent, Freymond is doubling his CO2 emissions.
Climate Change has been rated by the U.S. Pentagon as the greatest threat to the National Security of the United States. More so than any terrorist group could ever dream of, property damage, loss of coastal cities, desertification of the oceans are all happening right now. WHY, because societies have not reduced their carbon emissions for over twenty years! The only way that will happen, it must start at the local level. Everyone must reduce their emissions that much more. That means you. Cap and trade systems do NOT reduce emissions. A reduction in emissions can only happen if we use less fossil fuel.
The Pacific Island Nations are now suing the larger carbon emitters for the loss of their countries. The Toronto Star just reported on June 25, 2015 the Dutch Court has ordered a 25 per cent cut in greenhouse gases by 2020 in an attempt to save the Netherlands from rising sea levels.
All levels of government can be held accountable. There is only one right decision in this case. Do not rezone the Freymond property. Stop the quarry Now! It is your ethical, moral and legal obligation to do so. We must all take responsibility for our own backyards. If we do that then there is no global problem. Anyone who increases their CO2 emissions is participating in ecosystem collapse and genocide. The proposal is a major new source of greenhouse gases and must not be approved based on our own Prime Minister's and Canada's pledge to reduce our emissions.
Those who make the right decision will get credit. Those who do not can be held accountable.
For more information and to download copies of the Consulting Documents please read
In loving memory of Patricia Potter, Sincerely,
Chuck Potter

Post date: 2015-06-30 17:34:10
Post date GMT: 2015-06-30 21:34:10

Post modified date: 2015-06-30 17:34:10
Post modified date GMT: 2015-06-30 21:34:10

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