May 28, 2019
May 28, 2019
By Kristena Schutt-Moore
Angela Reid is Coe Hill Public School’s secretary, but she does more than keep the books and the teachers organized. During her time at the school she has become a key part of what makes the school so special.
On Wednesday, May 15, the staff and students got together to honour Reid’s work with Hastings Prince Edward District School Board communication director Kerry Donnell and school board trustee Lucille Kyle and presented her with the school board’s highest honour, the Great Place Award.
She was nominated for a variety of reasons including being an extremely caring individual. Staff at the school say that Reid has quickly come to know each of the students and their families and respectfully looks for ways she can support them.
She understands the financial needs of many of the area’s families and has taken it upon herself to shop on her own time, with her own money, to buy outdoor clothing to ensure that each of the students have what they need to be protected and comfortable when playing outside. The clothing she collects is stocked and labeled in containers for students to easily access in her office when they need them during breaks.
Each morning Reid greets the children as they come in to school as they arrive on the bus and staff say that the genuine expression of affection and concern is very well received by the students. The students also go out of their way to share their day with Reid, often asking their teachers for a quick break from class to go show Reid the art or project work they completed.
Coe Hill school staff call Reid “a light within our school community” saying that she is always ready to listen and share a funny story and can be relied upon for a friendly smile and a humorous anecdote.
During school spirit days the students love that Reid is always the one with the brightest and funniest outfits. She is always quick to help students who may have forgotten a theme day, and always has materials on hand to help them take part in the day’s events.
“No one asks Angela to do the extra things she does, her integrity guides her constantly,” says the Coe Hill School staff. “Whenever something special shows up in a classroom, a new display appears in front of our school, or an extra treat is left out in the staff room we all nod our heads in agreement, it must have been Angela.”