General News

Bancroft Field Naturalist Club calling for help for Canada jays

April 6, 2021

By Chris Drost

While the Canada jay, also known as the whiskey jack or gray jay, was selected as Canada’s official bird in 2019, discouraging news has recently come out of a study performed in Algonquin Park.

This study concluded that Canada jay populations have declined about 67 per cent because of nest failure.

Global warming is assumed to be the cause, resulting in the deterioration of food stored in the forest by Canada jays. The birds nest in March and rely on stored food to feed their babies in April but the study group were finding babies that apparently died of starvation.

The Bancroft Field Naturalist Club would like to get feedback (no pun intended) from the public in the Bancroft area to help answer the following questions:

1.  Do you have Canada jays coming to your feeders?

2.  What seems to be their favourite food?

3.  Do you also have blue jays at your feeders?

4. Do you feel that blue Jays and red squirrels are causing too much competition at the feeders for Canada jays?

Terry Bradt of the Bancroft Field Naturalist Club is very interested in people’s comments. There are two ways to reach him, by email at [email protected] or by calling 613-332-1705.



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