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Bancroft OPP accepting unwanted guns without penalty in April

April 5, 2018

The Ontario Provincial Police and municipal police services are holding a gun amnesty during the month of April.

The Gun Amnesty is for any Ontario resident who wishes to voluntarily surrender unwanted or illegally-owned firearms, weapons, accessories or ammunition.

The amnesty is a way to provide citizens with a safe way to surrender weapons and enhance public safety.

During the amnesty, police will not recommend weapons-related Criminal Code charges that might otherwise apply to people who are turning in these items. Police note there is no amnesty offered for people who turn in weapons that have been used in the commission of a crime. No anonymous submissions will be accepted.

“There have been lots of break-ins with firearms stolen within Ontario,” Bancroft OPP Const. Philippe Regamey said noting Bancroft OPP is participating in the amnesty. “These firearms can then be sold and or used for violent crimes. If people are not properly licenced, and or do not use their firearms anymore, this is a safe and legal way — if they are being possessed illegally — to get them out of homes and off the streets.”

Interested gun owners are strongly urged to call the OPP’s (or their local police service’s) non-emergency number at 1-888-310-1122 to arrange for officers to attend and safely retrieve the weapons. Under no circumstances should anyone deliver guns or ammunition directly to police facilities.
Gun owners can also use the OPP website button or the Citizen Self Reporting tool to notify police.




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