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Barry Cross named ‘Shriner of the Year’

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

The Shriner of the Year for 2022 has been announced. During the Algonquin Shrine Club's regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21 past president of the club Jim Burle presented the award to Barry Cross.

Cross is a Noble of the Club and has been consistently been an active member, taking part in meetings, attending Shrine parades and been giving active support to the club's work to raise funds for the Shrine Hospitals in Canada and the United States. These hospitals help children and their families in times of need and are most known for their pediatrics and burn care work. 

The new executive of the Algonquin Shrine Club has also been voted on. The new elected president is Dave Reeves. Other executive members include Ed Otto, Wayne Wiggins, Dean Linton, vice president Denver Mayhew, vice president Dave Mount, secretary Dave Earl, Steve Berry, and Barry Cross. 

Post date: 2023-02-28 16:41:41
Post date GMT: 2023-02-28 21:41:41
Post modified date: 2023-02-28 16:41:45
Post modified date GMT: 2023-02-28 21:41:45
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