Bancroft this Week
Export date: Mon Mar 31 4:42:27 2025 / +0000 GMT

Carlow Mayo opts in as recyclingdepot to keep recycling out of landfill

By Mike Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Carlow Mayo Township public works manager made a recommendation to council at their March 13 meeting that they opt in as a contractor for Circular Materials to collect materials from the recycling depot in the township so that residents won't be forced to bring their recycling materials to Bancroft to dispose of it, or get rid of it in the township's landfill. Council voted to approve Mayhew's recommendation on this matter and have let Circular Materials know they've opted in to the program.  
Mayhew presented his recommendation in a report to council at their March 13 meeting. He said if they opt out, Circular Materials will move the depot elsewhere, likely to Bancroft, and Carlow Mayo residents would have to take their recyclables to Bancroft. If they opt in, the township looks after making sure the recycling makes it into the bins and Circular Materials would pick it up from the depot. They also get a residual payment back from them for running this recycling depot.
“So, I'm looking for council to approve my recommendation to opt in, as they need to know by March 15,” he says.
Mayhew said he'd sought an extension to the deadline, but hadn't heard back yet. He apologized for the tight deadline and said the paperwork had gotten lost on his desk until recently.
Jenny Snider, the CAO, told Bancroft This Week that the transition from the blue box program to full producer responsibility started back around 2019.
“I believe Circular Materials started in 2021 and we have been in communication with them since mid-2022. John put forth the recommendation for us to opt in as a depot as this allows us to keep recycling depots within the township,” she says.
As Snider mentioned, the province released its new Blue Box regulation under the 2016 Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, which makes Canadian producers fully financially and operationally responsible for their recyclables. Commencing last summer, communities across Ontario, like Carlow Mayo, began transitioning to this new system, which will be fully in place by 2026.
Circular Materials is a national not for profit producer responsibility organization helping producers like Carlow Mayo meet their obligations under the extended producer responsibility regulations. These regulations create effective recycling programs that Circular Materials use that contribute to a circular economy. More information can be found at
After discussing the matter, and realizing that if they opted out, not only would there be more pressure on the landfill as residents would most likely throw out their recycling into the garbage, and the increased pressure and financial strain on Carlow Mayo residents as some of them may drive to Bancroft to dispose of their recyclables, council voted to opt in to the program with Circular Materials.  
Snider told Bancroft This Week that they think it is very important to keep as much recyclable material out of the township landfill as possible.
“We have let Circular Materials know that it is our intent to opt in as a depot.”

Post date: 2024-03-27 00:00:21
Post date GMT: 2024-03-27 04:00:21

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