
Two sisters

July 22, 2018

July 20, 2018 By Nate Smelle LOVE of a companion animal is truly something special. When I first moved to L’Amable back in 2006 I ...

Woods, water and wildness

Friday, July 13, 2018 By Nate Smelle I recently had the privilege of listening to a friend share with me her initial impression of North ...

Protecting the future through sharing values

Over the past six years as a reporter, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to engage with several members of the Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Algonquin Nation at a variety of events and gatherings throughout North Hastings.

Help stop the spread of invasive species

At a recent shoot at Bancroft Ridge Golf Club co-owner John Puffer and Bancroft Mayor Paul Jenkins included me in a conversation about how Bancroft and its surrounding area are the heart of "unspoiled cottage country."

Three tips for a safe summer

Summer. Summer. Summer.

Serve Dad a salad Sunday

What do you think Dad would say if you slapped a veggie burger on the grill for him instead of a steak? Served it with a salad instead of baked potatoes? Something along the lines of, “Do I look like a rabbit?”

That might not be thunder you hear

Mark your calendar for July 6 to 8. Bancroft’s annual festival is celebrating its seventh year in 2018 and spreading its wings, because organizers are of the opinion that this region is perfect for a motorcycle rally.

Know your enemy

That’s right, with the warm weather come all those little things that carve out your flesh to feed their young. We’ve all had a few good chunks taken out of us by this year — just waiting for the point in the season where you’re more bug saliva/venom than blood and they give up on you altogether.

NHCT settles into new location

Thanks to an enormous outpouring of donations and much labour of love, North Hastings Community Trust is now settled into a beautiful new home between A Place for the Arts and Life House on Bridge Street.


“Oh my God, they’re turtles!” I shrieked.

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