
O Night Divine!

December 23, 2015

This is my favourite Christmas memory, which I have written about many times in many places. Repeating it has become a Christmas tradition. *** Fresh-fallen ...

Wheels, Water and Wings plans underway

Mina Yohanna, pharmacist and owner of Bancroft’s IDA, has agreed to being a major sponsor for the 2017 Wheels, Water and Wings (WWW) festival. This will be the third consecutive year that Yohanna has generously supported activities for the weekend-long festival, scheduled for July 7, 8 and 9 in Bancroft.

No one wants to see the junk from your trunk

There’s nothing like one of our area waterfalls. Its churning currents can easily pull you into a trance — until the same current carries your eyes to a white, foaming, plastic bag caught on a stick near its bank.

Jacques Brel worthy of a standing ovation

Over the first two weekends of April, Jacques Brel is alive and well and living in Maynooth brought a little bit of Paris to Maynooth. I had the opportunity to journey north and absorb the performance — wow, what a feat.

Lessons from a dog

I arrived at certain highlights early in my adult life, while others have come to a lot later. For example, I waited a long time ...

Boxed in

Did you ever have one of those years — you know, when all the financial news is just plain bad? That’s the current situation with Bancroft. Council learned last week of another hit to their bottom line — and it’s entirely beyond their control. They did nothing to cause it, and they can do nothing to remedy it. But it could impact the tax rate of every Bancroft ratepayer.

What if we legalized marijuana?

The Liberal government has set a date for its long planned legalization of marijuana. Now, I have never smoked marijuana. By the same token, the number of times I’ve had alcohol can be counted on one hand and I’ve never had a cigarette. So what does this writer, who has zero personal gain in the legalization of marijuana think? I spoke with MP Mike Bossio on the subject.

Bancroft one of the best places to visit

We did it. We made the list. Expedia’s list that is — lot of talk about lists this week. posted a Top small towns to visit for a Canada Day getaway late in March and Bancroft made the list.

Seeing things at a distance

The story is thrilling. An airline pilot has both of his engines flame out, turning his plane into a glider. He then attempts a landing on a river, and is successful in saving the lives of his passengers and crew. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? That’s the story of Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, and the 2009 “miracle on the Hudson.” Last year, it became a major motion picture called Sully, starring Tom Hanks.

Rays of light

The holiday season is a good time to pause to appreciate our blessings. On an individual basis, we have many – family, friends, community. But ...

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