
Proposed quarry threatens local ecosystem

August 11, 2015

To the Editor, I am writing to you today to voice my concerns over the proposed quarry being sought by the Freymond’s in the heart ...

Just to clarify

I noticed in the current issue of Bancroft This Week, in Tony Pearson’s commentary titled “Money Down the Drain” that I was cited as a “consultant.”

End the curbside debate

I for one am sick and tired of hearing about the curbside pick-up in Hastings Highlands.

McHappy Day in Bancroft

My son once asked me why there was a playland at McDonalds and I simply told him that it was a tactic called imprinting. The ...

Free worldwide film an eye-opener

If you love your children, you must watch Leonardo DiCaprio’s urgent new climate change movie Before the Flood free. He travelled the world as a UN environmental observer and was terrified by what he saw. It’s chilling, yet hopeful.

Tough questions for council

If you have been a regular reader concerning Hastings Highlands council meetings this past couple of years, you would be thinking that curbside garbage pick-up was the only major issue that constituents should be concerned about as we look to the future for Hastings Highlands (HH).

Proportional representation is fair and democratic

To the Editor, This is one Councillor’s opinion on the new proposed municipal voting system: the ranked ballot system. To begin with the new proposed ...

Fundraising to bring NASP to local highschool

The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) is a youth program that is focused on attracting a new generation to outdoors activities such as hunting and fishing. Archery is an accessible sport that allows youth of all ages and athletic ability to participate. It has proven to grow self-esteem and encourage school attendance. The program is delivered as part of the Ontario Curriculum in areas of Physical Education, Mathematics, Physics, Outdoor Studies etc. It can also be extended to be offered as an extra curricular activity in the school.

Re: Too many questions

To the Editor, I was very pleased to read your most recent article in Bancroft This Week “Too Many Questions”, because you absolutely hit the ...

Quarry queries

To the Editor, Having participated in the achievement of the Ontario Industrial Waste Reduction Award in 1996 with a private corporation and having worked in ...

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