
Trade deals and the public

November 3, 2016

“Free Trade” has such a nice ring to it. Easy to sell anything that’s free, right?

The Hydro One limbo dancer

You remember the dance, how low can you go? Recently Hydro One’s new ombudsman was in Bancroft on a tour she has been taking throughout the area serviced by Hydro One. She just started in March and the first half hour she spent working hard to lower the bar on expectations of the crowd.

Re: Public meeting for proposed Freymond Quarry on June 25

To the Editor, We would like to begin by thanking everyone who was able to attend the information session regarding the proposed gravel quarry this ...

An open letter to the residents of Faraday and Bancroft

To the Editor, The term NIMBY can be used for Not My Back Yard. But it is actually spelled wrong. It is spelledNIMBI for Now ...

Saturday Night Live in Maynooth

A full house of ratepayers again filled the Hastings Highlands council chambers on Wednesday, Oct. 5. The garbage issue was on the agenda, but only as an item withdrawn; therefore no discussion or further action occurred at the meeting. It was garbage, garbage everywhere, but not a drop to think.

Fair taxes for rural, waterfront property owners

As president of the Kapoa representing Kamaniskeg area property owners in Madawaska Valley and Hastings Highland I fully appreciate the taxation disparity reported recently in the “Taxation for fair value” article. As waterfront and rural property owners we are taxed excessively and are often ignored for the services we require.

Sandwich sign bylaw

It came to our attention that someone in the Town of Bancroft was going to businesses and telling them that it is against the bylaws to have sandwich board signs in front of their shops!

Deputy Mayor speaks to boardwalk blues

Having attended several community functions over the last week, and being asked a multitude of questions surrounding the boardwalk decision, I would like to clarify several of the points in last week’s Bancroft Times and Bancroft This Week articles.

Daughter struggles to find work in trades

My daughters have grown up in a skilled trades environment with me being a millwright and their uncle an electrician, so I was pleased when my oldest decided she would like to be an electrician. My joy has turned to frustration when she came to me and told me that several places have turned her down based on the fact that she is a girl.

Rights of doctors and medics

Dear Mr. Smith (MPP), Earlier this summer, I had emailed with my concerns for conscience rights for doctors and medical professionals in Ontario. I remain very much troubled and concerned about this issue, and have outlined some of my concerns.

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