Headline News

Theatre Guild to move outdoors

June 9, 2016

After a not-very-pleasant split with the Hospice-managed Bancroft Village Playhouse – its home for over two decades – the Bancroft Theatre Guild has a new plan for staging its 24 hour theatre this summer. They’re taking to the Park. Just like companies in Toronto perform in High Park, and New York companies perform in Central Park, the Guild will mount the plays in Millennium Park – hopefully, on the bandshell stage. Club 580 will be the back-up venue in case of rain, as well as serving as the locale where the plays will be written the night before they’re performed.

Communities concerned about schools

A Hastings Prince Edward District School Board discussion paper suggesting the closure of three rural schools in North Hastings over a 10-year span, and busing the children to Bancroft or Bird’s Creek, has got many parents chewing their fingernails again. But instead of anger, the prevailing emotion this time around seems to be grief and sadness.

‘Rhoda Report’ looks at accessibility issues in Bancroft

By Jim Eadie The old expression “walk a mile in my shoes” applies only if you can walk. Local 22-year-old woman Rhoda Dickinson was able ...

Sisters in Spirit working to end violence against women

The violence against Aboriginal women in this country is a national tragedy. It is also our national shame.

From North Hastings to New York

Hastings Highlands resident shares insights from Peoples’ Climate March

Wollaston council strongly supports firefighters

It is sometimes said that no good deed goes unpunished. Recently volunteer firefighters in Wollaston Township have come in for social media criticism about their efficiency and effectiveness. However, the town council does not share these negative views. Last week, they put their support for their fire department front and centre in a remarkably blunt resolution. To quote:

Bancroft passes budget, learns ‘drop-dead’ date

Last week, after a number of meetings discussing various items (particularly grants to organizations), Bancroft passed its 2016 budget.

Board to look at possible school closures

Hastings-Prince Edward District School Board has started a process which may lead to the eventual closure of three local elementary schools – in Maynooth, Coe Hill, and Hermon.

Village Playhouse goes to the dogs

“Rescue Me” blared out over the Bancroft Playhouse sound system as “Runway for Runaways”, Saturday’s fashion show on behalf of Home Again animal rescue, came to an end.

Bancroft Lions assist Books on Disk

By Tony Pearson, Special to This Week These days, there are many resources for the visually impaired – from large print books to braille and ...

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