Headline News

Business retention and expansion reveal in Hastings Highlands

April 7, 2016

By Sarah Vance A special meeting of council saw the Ron Emond Hall packed on Tuesday, March 29, as program coordinator Cathy Trimble revealed content ...

Roundtable gets $334,000 to look at solutions to poverty

The Poverty Roundtable for Hastings and Prince Edward Counties has just been awarded a Trillium grant of $334,000 over three years for their “Creating Community” proposal. This aims to once and for all create a co-ordinated multi-sector action to reduce poverty, including in North Hastings.

Graffiti artist encourages kids to ‘keep it real’

Over the past week, local schools, as well as Bancroft’s Early Years Centre, played host to motivational speaker and graffiti artist Laura Bronson. Bronson is the director of Keep It Real, representing skaters and graffiti artists who are “encouraging youth to be real.” Bronson’s multimedia presentation included messages of hope for children who may struggle to fit into traditional educational and social models. It also includes a skateboarding demonstration.

Bancroft council assesses local grants

By Tony Pearson Bancroft council’s committee of the whole took a look last week at the grants it traditionally gives to community organizations. Most of ...

Biologist raising awareness for species-at-risk

“Turtles and all reptiles for that matter are the most at risk group of animals on the planet.”

Hastings Highlands works on budget

By Tony Pearson Policing costs are hitting Hastings Highlands hard, as its council tries to balance its books over the coming year. Recent letters to ...

Coe Hill homes burn to ground

Two Coe Hill families are homeless, and have lost all of their possessions, after a mid-morning fire on Norman Lane in the hamlet on April 2. Two homes standing side by side on the street burned to the ground, despite the best efforts of the Wollaston Township Fire Department and local citizens.

Tour Group Discovers the Majestic Elk

On the cold windy morning of Saturday a group of 15 at the train station in Bancroft for the first of this seasons Nature Discovery Tours. Before the crew set out on their expedition to observe “the majestic elk,” the group assembled in the conference room in the basement of the train station for a breakfast snack.

Cyclists help with heart rehabilitation

Every fall, Bancroft is host to the “Hilly Hundred”, where bike riders can challenge their bodies, minds, and spirits by touring North Hastings for 100 miles or 100 kilometers (or a shorter distance), up hill and down dale, as the expression goes.

Township gets $1.4 million

By Jim Eadie Wollaston Township council made a big decision at their March 22 regular meeting; it related to the road repair known as “The ...

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