Headline News

Highlands East thrilled with broadband deal

February 9, 2016

By Angelica Ingram The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Feb. 8 meeting of Highlands East council. The municipality of Highlands East ...

Bancroft consolidates roads capital to Detlor

Bancroft council is refocusing its 2017 roads budget.

Community debates LED sign

Some Maynooth business owners want Hastings Highlands council to turn off its LED promotions sign at night.

Beaver dam monitoring landowners’ responsibility

Damages caused by bursting beaver dams could fall to you. That’s according to the province, but it’s up for some debate between local works managers, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and the Ministry of Transportation.

Remembering those who may forget

By Tony Pearson A flower acts as a symbol of the Alzheimer’s Association of Canada. Appropriately enough, it is the forget-me-not. So for six straight ...

Algonquins elect representatives

After a long campaign, members from the Algonquin Nation recently elected nine Algonquin Negotiation Representatives (ANRs) to represent their communities’ interests during treaty negotiations between the Algonquins of Ontario and the governments of Canada and Ontario.

New date for reeve’s appeal

Wollaston Township Reeve Graham Blair has been given a new date to have his appeal heard of a recent conviction for impaired driving in Bancroft Court of Justice on March 14.

Hastings Highlands council wants development promises

Hastings Highlands councillors are butting heads with county representatives over economic development funding.

Mayor remembers councillor

People in Maynooth and area, in fact all of Hastings Highlands and the North Hastings areas were deeply saddened this past week, upon hearing of the sudden death of Bert Cannon of Maple Leaf. Bert was born in Maynooth, the son of Sam and Ethel Cannon, one of ten children, raised right in the hamlet where some remained their whole lives.

OCWA out, town searches for new provider

The arduous process of selecting a provider to look after the water and wastewater services in Bancroft for the next five years is moving forward.

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