Headline News

Update: missing girl found

January 14, 2016

Police have located the 14 year-old girl reported missing to the Bancroft Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police on Jan. 10. Keirsten Greathouse, 14, was ...

More than $200,000 for Bancroft’s wastewater systems

"The $131,708 represents 50 per cent of the total project from the federal government. The province will provide a further 25 per cent and the town will contribute 25 per cent for a total project of $263,416. The project includes camera imaging of the sewer lines, smoke testing and line repairs," said Bancroft CAO Hazel Lambe.

Board visits, talks North Hastings school reviews

“We have not had any discussion what-so-ever about North Hastings,” said Hastings Prince Edward District School Board chair Lucille Kyle to Hastings Highlands council and its audience members on the board’s school accommodation reviews. “I’m telling you that from my heart so you know that it’s the truth. I grew up and raised children not always trusting the system. We have not had [that] conversation yet. When that happens you will and we will all be in it together.”

Vibrant, skilled student artwork fills Bancroft gallery for show

By Tony Pearson Student works fill the Art Gallery of Bancroft, as budding artists from four different high schools show off their talent during the ...

School board action trouble for thrift shop

Wollaston township council learned during the May 9 regular meeting that the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB) will not renew the lease for the “Little White School House” in Coe Hill, which for many years has been the home of the Coe Hill Community Thrift Shop

Men’s programs also offered by Sexual Assault Centre

Sexual Assault Centre counsellor Stacey Trubridge, part of an award winning team, provides supports for people dealing with sexual assault in North Hastings. She sees ...

Bancroft presents budget to public, taxes to rise 2.11 per cent

A full house attended the town’s presentation Tuesday, May 16. The proposed tax rate has changed. Goals have been set to develop town growth and cut debt in half by the mid 2020s​. The town will not be rolling back water and wastewater rates in the near future.

Mace recovering from accident

“Call on me brother, when you need a hand, we all need somebody to lean on,” words from the popular hit song by Bill Withers took on a special meaning on Jan. 2 for a huge gathering at the community centre in Coe Hill.

Hydro rates will ‘skyrocket:’ MPP

The province has brought forward legislation for its promised​ hydro bill reduction​​, ​but other provincial party representatives aren’t lining up behind it.

Brine leak cuts curling club’s season short

By Angelica Ingram Darrell McQuigge jokes that he didn’t send in his letter to Santa Claus on time this year. The vice-president of the Wilberforce ...

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