March 2, 2016
To the Editor,
For some time now former Hasting Highlands councillor Mrs. Lorraine Fell has been riding the range in search of curb-side garbage pick-up in the township of Hastings Highlands. She is so possessed with the urgency of this rather expensive luxury that she is once again posting opinion pieces in the local press that reflect her bias for and against the individual councillors and her absolute ignorance about the situation at council.
Had Mrs. Fell apprised herself of the total problem that council faced instead of harping away at the vestiges of bygone days, she would have realized council did everything required to try to solve the problem. Mrs. Fell is very aware of the tax increases that will accrue over the next several years for police services, highway infrastructure and numerous other necessities for which there are solutions but she chooses to harp away at the garbage pick-up for which there were no tenders received and for which her own attempt to provide someone with the ability to handle the job failed to materialize.
If she wants to be taken seriously, she should do a better job of researching her numbers for the actual use of said pick-up service. There may well be 1,200 seasonal residences in the township but I would speculate that number to be higher. Using her figures, and the assumption that all those “residents” use the pick-up when at their residence, she might have an argument. In actual fact, there are numerous seasonal folks who have never had the service because they’re on an island, they are not serviced with a two lane road, the pick-up day does not coincide with their time in the township and other reasons known to them. I have never had garbage pick-up at my cottage on Papineau Lake. If the truck came in to service the eight cottages on our road, we’re told he would have to back out. Fair enough. There are many others in the township, both seasonal and year round residents that have similar situations. The really neat part of this for the township, was the fact all those residents without the service, still paid full freight for the service they did not receive. This type of subsidy is probably not really appreciated by the affected residents. Mrs. Fell needs to be a bit more diligent with her statistics if she wants to be considered seriously.
I may be incorrect in my assumptions, but a year ago or so council cancelled the garbage pick-up program. Once again I remind Mrs. Fell it was her motion at council that effectively cancelled it. Just for the record, that cancellation actually removes the issue from township business until such time as council votes appropriately to revisit the topic. “Appropriately” does not mean oiling a screaming bearing after it is seized. It may be a bit of a shock, Lorraine, but once it died on the agenda, it became a dead issue. Mrs. Fell once again appears to reading from the wrong page.
Let’s get on with the roads and an appropriate policing model we may be able to afford, etc.
Robert McPherson