Bancroft this Week Export date: Mon Mar 31 6:32:15 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Eagles Nest fall work bee draws enthusiastic volunteers![]() By Chris Drost It was one of the coldest mornings this fall but it did not stop the enthusiasm of a dozen community volunteers who came together under the direction of the Stewards of Bancroft Eagles Nest Park for a work bee on Saturday, Oct. 23. The work bee was organized by SBENP director, Paul D'Aoust who quickly broke the group into three teams to tackle the installation of some protective strips on the top of the interpretive and directional signage. Some signs have seen some wear on the top as the plywood backing took on water and so this should resolve the problem. Three other volunteers also helped shore up some of the wooden walk ways in low areas that had become a bit springy due to all the recent rain. Virginia deCarle, garbage bag in one hand and garbage picker in the other, walked the trails and picked up all the garbage she could find. In total, there was less than a half of a large garbage bag collected, meaning most visitors are doing what the signage requests, “Please pack out what you pack in.” D'Aoust had prepared a large pot of vegetarian chili for the work bee, something that has become a tradition for the twice annual event. When the work was done, the volunteers gathered back at the upper parking area to enjoy a bowl of chili and rolls. Before the event started, Dora Yateman, chair of SBENP dropped off coffee and doughnuts for the volunteers as she was unable to participate due to work obligations. “It was good to see some new volunteers out this time, including a high school student with a great interest in the outdoors,” says D'Aoust. During the work bee there was a steady stream of visitors to the park. Many were first time visitors to Eagles Nest who had heard about the amazing view from the Hawkwatch lookout. Some had small children in tow and were glad for the new accessible trail. The SBENP will be planning the next work bee for the spring of 2022. Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to contact D'Aoust at 613-334-5767 to get on the list. Photo – A team of enthusiastic volunteers took on a number of tasks in Eagles Nest Park on the morning of Oct. 23. Following the completion of the work, everyone enjoyed a hot chili lunch and treats. The work bee is a twice annual event organized by the Stewards of Bancroft Eagles Nest Park, a not-for-profit organization aimed at caring for the trails and providing nature-themed educational opportunities. Pictured, l to r Paul D'Aoust, Christine Fitzsimons, Clara Vance, Don Stoneman, Virginia deCarle, Roger Kelly, Barb Allport, Marlene Chapelle, Cheryl Walsh. Not pictured Kevin Vance, Dora Yateman. |
Post date: 2021-10-27 11:00:05 Post date GMT: 2021-10-27 15:00:05 Post modified date: 2021-10-27 11:00:09 Post modified date GMT: 2021-10-27 15:00:09 |
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