Headline News

Former Coe Hill doctor pleads guilty

September 14, 2017

By Sarah Sobanski

Former Coe Hill doctor Rob Kamermans has pleaded guilty to one count of fraud.

Kamermans appeared in Belleville court Sept. 7. He was sentenced to pay a $100,000 restitution order to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan and a nominal $1 fine to put his conviction on record, according to assistant Crown attorney Jodi Whyte.

“The Crown accepted the plea and sentence in light of the amount of time the matter had been before the courts and prospect that the trial might once again be adjourned,” Whyte told Bancroft This Week. “It was no longer in the public interest to consumer court, civil and police time given the passage of time in the case.”

She added, “He admitted on the record that he failed to adequately note up his client files and in the end could not justify the billings to OHIP.”

A spokesperson for Kamermans said he was unavailable for comment before press time.



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