Bancroft this Week
Export date: Wed Mar 12 11:00:43 2025 / +0000 GMT

Hastings County council celebrates 175th anniversary

By Michael Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Hastings County council is celebrating their 175th anniversary according to a press release on Jan. 28 and during that day's council meeting Warden Bob Mullin acknowledged this anniversary. Mullin and Deputy Warden Tony Fitzgerald comment to Bancroft This Week on this milestone.

According to the press release, on Jan. 28, 1850, the first official meeting of Hastings County council was convened with Warden Edward Fidlar and members of council. In 1792, Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe divided the province of Upper Canada into 19 counties and 15 ridings, and Hastings was linked with Lennox, Addington, Prince Edward and Frontenac counties as one riding and was named the District of Midland. New districts were added as populations increased, and in 1839, Victoria District was created to be the administrative level for Hastings County. In 1850, districts were abolished in favour of counties and Hastings County was established through the passage of the Baldwin Act.

During the council meeting, Mullin acknowledged all those who served on county council over the years, as well as staff members, community members and leaders who have contributed their time, energy and passion to making Hastings County a better place to live. For more information, contact Mullin at 613-966-1311, ext. 3203 or at [email protected] 1 or CAO Connor Dorey at 613-966-1311, ext. 3204 or at [email protected] 2.

Fitzgerald told Bancroft This Week that he was very pleased to participate in the ceremony celebrating the 175th anniversary of the very first Hastings County council meeting.

“My great grandfather's brother John Fitzgerald was reeve of Monteagle/Herschel in the 1870s, my father Pat Fitzgerald was reeve of Monteagle in the 1950s and now me as mayor of Hastings Highlands in the 2020s. Public service is so important and I am very privileged to be able to carry on the family tradition,” he says.

Mullin told Bancroft This Week that Hastings County has been a constant, steadfast presence in the lives of residents.

“From supporting local municipalities to fostering collaboration across our vast and beautiful region, the council has consistently worked to address the needs of our communities, whether in times of growth, adversity, or change.”

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