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Highlands East looking at ATM alternative to bankBy Angelica Ingram The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Nov. 14 meeting of Highlands East council. While the Highlands East group People Before Profits continues to investigate the option of having a financial institution replace Wilberforce's Scotiabank, the municipality is seeking other options to ensure bank services are offered in the area. Chief administrative officer Shannon Hunter told councillors that the township has been looking into the option of a full-service automated banking machine. “While the various financial institutions are reviewing our business case, we are also trying to prepare for the worst-case scenario,” wrote Hunter in her report to council. Hunter asked council if there were any municipal buildings they could suggest to house an ATM. Prior to offering up a location, financial institutions would want to know the criteria of these locations, such as the building's operating hours, would the township require compensation and does the ATM need to be full service (as in accept deposits)? Councillor Joan Barton suggested adapting the entranceway at the Lloyd Watson Centre to accommodate an ATM. “That way there is a chance you will spend money there,” said Ryall. Hunter said one of the comments from local businesses is there is a lack of space in their building for an ATM. Barton pointed to the Keith Tallman arena as an option. If a municipal building was used council would not charge rent and appropriate signage for the ATM could be erected. Council decided to investigate this further before making a decision. Cardiff water upgrades move forward Following a public meeting held in Cardiff on Oct. 27, council is moving forward with upgrades to the Cardiff potable water service replacement. Tourism centre stats A report on the inaugural year for the information centre was presented to council by economic develop.m.ent and business co-ordinator Curtis Tighe. Ranked ballots a no-go Highlands East council has decided not to introduce a ranked ballot option for the 2018 election. |
Excerpt: The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Nov. 14 meeting of Highlands East council. While the Highlands East group People Before Profits continues to investigate the option of having a financial institution replace Wilberforce’s Scotiabank, the municipality is seeking other options to ensure bank services are offered in the area. |
Post date: 2016-11-24 16:18:37 Post date GMT: 2016-11-24 21:18:37 Post modified date: 2016-11-24 16:18:37 Post modified date GMT: 2016-11-24 21:18:37 |
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