Headline News

Huskies honoured at graduation

July 2, 2019

July 2, 2019

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

The gymnasium of the North Hastings High School Huskies was packed to standing room only on Thursday, June 27 as family and friends watched the class of 2019 graduate.
Roughly 78 Huskies stepped up to the podium to receive their awards and graduation certificates. Out of those students now leaving NHHS, 25 of them were presented the Ontario Scholars Award, five received their specialist high skills major in the environment, 13 received the Level Three House Award while two got the Level Four House Award. Two received a Certificate of Accomplishment and one received an Ontario Secondary School Certificate.
There were four students who were honoured with the highest scholastic standings. The Magister Award for the top university-bound student was presented to Melissa Elliot, and The Magister Award for the top college-bound student was given to Kelsey Dillabough. The Clarke Gaebel Insurance Memorial Award was received by Jessica Ritter and The Medal of the Governor General of Canada was presented to Melissa Elliot.
The valedictorian was Riley Krieger and he started his speech by thanking those family members and teachers who pushed and encouraged the students to become whatever it is that they want to become. He talked about learning, about important life lessons learned both in and outside the classroom, including “the importance of being yourself without worrying about what people would do or say,” and “the importance of pushing through the struggles and upset to get where you are at today.”
Many of the students graduating this year will be moving on to post secondary education, others will be entering the skilled trades, some will be returning for a victory lap year at NHHS to grab extra courses they wished to take. Congratulations to all the Huskies of 2019, and the best of luck in whatever the future holds for you.



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