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Local MPP named opposition critic for MNRFThe MPP from Prince Edward-Hastings has some new duties on his plate at Queen's Park. This week, PC Leader Patrick Brown added the Natural Resources and Forestry portfolio to Todd Smith's list of responsibilities, which already include his Caucus' response to the government's Hydro One sale. “Obviously, any time you're given extra responsibilities, it's an honour.” Smith stated. “In the wake of a budget that just raised a number of fees for fishing, hunting and camping in 2017, I think it's important to people in my riding that extra attention be placed on these matters.” The increase in responsibilities to the PC Caucus comes after a couple of particularly busy weeks for Smith at Queen's Park, where he hosted Prince Edward-Hastings Day and led the fight to keep Provincial Demonstration Schools open beyond the 2016-17 school year. “I think over the last few weeks, I've taken on areas beyond the Hydro One Sale and shown that I could play a bigger role going forward inside the caucus.” Smith added Smith went on to elaborate on some of the Natural Resources issues that he's had to deal with as MPP for Prince Edward-Hastings and how dealing with those constituent concerns will help him in his new role. “Obviously the wind turbine issue in Prince Edward County has given me some background in endangered species. But there have been forestry issues in North Hastings, conservation issues across the riding, and the Sandbanks Provincial Park issue in the County, that all touch on my new job.” Smith concluded. “At the end of the day, it's about results and that's what I'm hoping to achieve both for people in Prince Edward-Hastings and now across Ontario on this file.” Submitted |
Excerpt: The MPP from Prince Edward-Hastings has some new duties on his plate at Queen’s Park. This week, PC Leader Patrick Brown added the Natural Resources and Forestry portfolio to Todd Smith’s list of responsibilities, which already include his Caucus’ response to the government’s Hydro One sale. |
Post date: 2016-04-28 12:17:11 Post date GMT: 2016-04-28 16:17:11 Post modified date: 2016-04-27 12:18:26 Post modified date GMT: 2016-04-27 16:18:26 |
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