May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
By Chris Drost
The Bancroft Area Stewardship Council finished up another successful tree and shrub seedling program last week as small groups of volunteers gathered over two days to assemble all the orders.
“It was a bit of a challenge to organize the volunteers in a safe way and so that we were adhering to all the provincial regulations,” says BASC chair Ian Hendry. By spreading the work out over two days they were able to tag all the species and get them packaged up for the pick up day on Saturday, May 9.
In previous years the group has benefited the Northern Environmental Research and Development Studies program at the high school who typically send about six students to help with the process. “They were really missed this year,” added Hendry.
This year, BASC relied on board members to do the work. In addition to Hendry, John O’Donnell and his wife Pauline, Roger Kelly, Cathie Best and Vince Ewing all came out and got their hands dirty. The O’Donnells were happy to also pick up the seedlings they ordered that will go towards the GG (Great Grandfather) Forest they are working on as a legacy for their family.
The pick up day also involved a lot of pre-planning to ensure the entire process was contact-free.
The intent of the tree and shrub program is not only to see more trees and shrubs planted but also as an educational opportunity to share the importance of trees in creating and maintaining a healthy environment. An estimated 8,000 trees and shrubs will be planted this year as a result of this program.
For those who missed out, watch the BASC website next November when the online store will be ready to go with species offered for the spring of 2021.