General News

Local youth raises $160 towards hospital equipment

August 30, 2022

By Chris Drost

Being a contributing community member is not restricted by age. Young Colton McCaskie demonstrated recently that people of all ages can help to address the needs of the community by taking the initiative to raise $160 for equipment at the Bancroft hospital.

Inspired by one of his favourite television shows, Colton made the decision to raise funds for two charities, one of them being the local hospital through the North Hastings Fund Development Committee. “Colton was happy to hear about equipment that is needed at the hospital,” says Kim Bishop, chair of the NHFDC.

Colton turned to his “Uncle Mike” McCaskie who provided a space in front of his store for Colton to set up a sales booth that included a selection of pencils, sharpeners, erasers and water. During those four days Colton raised $160 that will go towards equipment needs for the hospital.

Colton is happy with the results and is encouraging his friends to help support the hospital.



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