Headline News

Mainstreet Makeover begins in Bancroft

September 13, 2022

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

The work has begun on Bancroft’s main street. The roads crews placed the pylons along Hastings Street during the September Long Weekend, and the construction began on Tuesday, Sept.6. 

Section one will be from the corner of Hastings Street and Bridge Street down Hastings Street to the crosswalk at Scotiabank. The work will be first done on the west side of the street so that vehicles can still pass on the east side. Once the work is completed the sides will switch. On each side of the street the asphalt, curb, gutter, and sidewalk will be removed and repaired or replaced. 

The same work will be done on section two in the spring of 2023. The work on the entire street was divided into two sections to work around the winter weather. Several detours have been set up for vehicles around the construction sites. 

Those interested in more information are asked to contact the town office at 613-332-3331, email [email protected] or visit the town’s Facebook page.



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