March 8, 2018
To the Editor,
Last month’s article “Town Tables Clark Lake Report” mentions that the accidental introduction of zebra mussels into Clark Lake via boats or their trailers would result in big costs to the town. No one can argue against this, in light of what has happened in other towns and cities.
But we should also consider that use of motorboats on Clark Lake can be harmful to our water supply in another important way; that is, the pollutants emitted by outboard motors, especially the older two-stroke variety. This is in addition to the risk of fuel spillage directly into the lake. Unburned gas contains benzene, toluene, phenols, and other chemicals which are toxic to wildlife and humans.
We should remember that Clark Lake is a very small waterbody, just 40 hectares in size, with an average depth of just seven metres. So even with just a few highly polluting motorboats on the lake, the water supply can be easily contaminated. If we truly want to protect our water supply, council should consider immediately banning all two-stroke outboard motors from the lake. The ban should also apply to all cottage owners.
Peter Janas