General News

NERDS find their way around

April 6, 2016

Over the past two weeks, NERDS students have been busy getting our GPS certification. Our progress on the course was slowed down by yet another snow day! But we shrugged off the delay and completed the National Green Check GPS Level 1 course.
We started off with maps, learning how to read latitude and longitude, as well as UTM coordinates. From there, we went on to using GPS and compasses properly. We eventually had the chance to search around the school property and find out what was at the locations of the coordinates we were given. A little practice never hurts.
As always, we went on our Tuesday trip to the local fish hatchery. This time, some of the “luckier” NERDS got to clean out the pipes and under the grates, where all the fish waste goes! We also conducted inventory of some of the tanks, to determine feed requirement for those fish. They’re getting big, and will be released soon.
While some were working in the hatchery, others continued to learn how to tie flies with Ron Bowman. We will be taking them on our trip to Rockingham in May, where we will get to test our fly fishing skills.
And finally over the last two weeks, NERDS did their first actual bit of bookwork. As boring as bookwork is, it needs to be done and we really don’t have much work to do. So we really had nothing to complain about. But look for more excitement next week. Things will get very busy as spring arrives!

Submitted by Aaron Yantha and
Samantha Bruce



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