General News

New chair elected to local school board

December 15, 2016

By Sarah Sobanski

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB) elected its North Hastings trustee as its new chair.

Former vice-chair Lucille Kyle was elected as chair of the board at its annual meeting Dec. 5. Dave Patterson has been elected to vice-chair.

“Thank you for putting your trust in me, I feel truly honoured that you have elected me to this leadership role. The work is complex. Together we have made decisions about policies, budgets, facility renewals and, most recently, accommodation reviews,” said Kyle who has been a trustee of the board since 2010. “Together we will continue to move forward. I am confident that we will continue to work together, with our students, our communities, our front line staff and our senior team. Relationship is key and I value all stakeholders.”

Kyle is the board’s trustee for North Hastings including Bird’s Creek Public School, Coe Hill School, Hermon Public School, Maynooth Public School,  North Hastings High School, and York River Public School.

Patterson was also first elected in 2010. He was the board’s vice-chair in 2012 and 2013 before Kyle was elected in 2014.

“The Learning and Leading priority in the Strategic Plan is about closing gaps for students. It is the work we do and actions we take as a corporate board to create the environment where the learning can be realized. That is done through governance and it is through governance that we create public confidence,” said Patterson.

He is the board’s trustee for Belleville and Thurlow including Centennial Secondary School, Foxboro Public School, Harmony Public School, Harry J. Clarke Public School, Hillcrest School, Moira Secondary School, Park Dale School, Prince of Wales Public School, Prince Charles School, Queen Elizabeth School, Queen Victoria School, Quinte Secondary School, Sir John A. Macdonald School, Susanna Moodie Elementary School.

Both Kyle and Patterson will serve until December 2017.



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