General News

New summer programs for area youth 

August 2, 2022

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

There are several new programs starting in the month of August at the North Hastings Children’s Services. Three of the programs 168 Child and Youth Hub will be hosting including cooking classes, a Young Women Thriving Group and a Dare to Join Group. The cooking classes are held every Tuesday starting in August. This program was requested by area youth as many wanted a way to be more self reliant and be able to make their own meals that were more nutritious. This program will help build their self confidence in the kitchen. This program is open to youth 12 years and up. 
Those interested in being part of the cooking classes will have to register so that NHCS will be able to have enough materials on hand. There is a QR code printed on the NHCS’s monthly calendars so that people can sign up with the registration forms. Another way to sign up and register is by calling Nicki Howie or Sarah Phoenix at 613-332-0179.
The Young Women Thriving Group will meet twice this month on every other Thursday, and is geared towards helping young women and those who identify as female. The Dare to Join Group is for those who identify as male and it will be held on alternating Thursdays to the Young Women Thriving Group and both are open to youth eight-years-old and up. The goal of these two groups is to help the youth build confidence and self esteem, and further their independence as well as build strong relationships. All of these programs will be held in the YouthSpace hall in the 168 Child and Youth Hub.



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