General News

North Hastings Music Festival returns 

May 12, 2022

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

The North Hastings Music Festival returned to in person performances at the Bancroft Penticostal Tabernacle and the Community Fellowship Baptist Church. Royal Conservatory of Music students gathered at the two locations on Monday, May 9 and Tuesday, May 10. The music festival has been part of the community since 1958.
All musicians and singers studying under the RCM Program in the North Hastings area were invited to perform before the adjudicators to test their abilities. Once they pass, they are then able to move on to the next RCM level. 
This year’s adjudicators were Melody Thomas for voice, Dr. Lisa Raposa for piano, Joel Bootsma for fretless strings and Darryl Orr for fretted strings. Each listened to the performers then took a few minutes to work on items that could improve the students abilities. 
Community members were welcome to attend to watch the performances. Entry fee was a donation and all funds raised went towards the continuation of the North Hastings Music Festival so that generations of local musicians have the opportunity to grow their craft. 
Those chosen as the best musicians and performers during the festival will receive their awards during a Festival Of Stars gala on Thursday, May 23, and those receiving top honours will also be performing their winning numbers throughout the evening.   
Those interested in more information about the North Hastings Music Festival are asked to email [email protected] or to visit or look the festival up on Facebook at please email [email protected].



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