
Proposed quarry and traffic

August 18, 2015

To the Editor,

After having enjoyed the past few weekends that brought thousands of welcome visitors to our town which slowed traffic just a little bit, I took the time to read the traffic impact study prepared for the proposed Freymond Quarry to be located adjacent to the cemetery on highway 62 south.
The report presents a thorough study of truck traffic impact at the Bay Lake Road/ highway 62 intersection and the site access off Bay Lake Road and as such is quite credible. It does, however not address the real issue, namely the impact on the traffic through town with its four main intersections.
While the required zoning amendment for the proposed quarry will solely be in the hands of the Faraday township council, I feel that the Bancroft council would be well advised to consult with our business community and the citizens in general about having an additional 10 to 20 trucks per hour clogging up our intersections after startup and three times that number (30 to a maximum of 60 trucks per hour) once the quarry produces 1,000,000 tons of aggregate per year as planned and applied for.

Peter Wagner, P. Eng.



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