December 9, 2014
By Jim Eadie
Following their swearing in, Wollaston’s new council divvied up the committee responsibilities for the coming months or longer as follows:
Reeve Graham Blair: North Hastings Economic Development Committee
Deputy Reeve Marilyn Brickles: Fire Department, and Bancroft Area Community Policing Committee
Councillor Michael Fuerth: Recreation Committee, Large Animal Vet Committee, Committee of Adjustments, and Property Standards Committee
Councillor Bob Ireland: Crowe Valley Conservation Authority
Councillor Lynn Kruger: Library Board, North Hastings Family Health Team
Jennifer Cohen – clerk: Dog Pound Committee
Council decided to dispense with appointing a weed inspector.
First, the subject of upcoming Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing training for new councillors came up, and Blair was quick to notice the agenda did not include looking at the relationships between county governments and their lower tier municipal governments. The new Reeve didn’t waste any time putting the County of Hastings Planning Department on notice that northern communities still have a bone to pick with them.
Wollaston and other northern municipalities have consistently expressed their concern that official plans presently being prepared by the County planning do not reflect the northern remote reality, and will seriously hinder their hopes of development and sustainability.