March 9, 2017
By Sarah Sobanski
North Hastings is going social with the help of local residents.
If you’ve been surfing social media for the area over the past few months you’ll have run across Facebook pages North Hastings Rideshare, Bancroft, ON Things To Do and Wood Share. Together they’re bringing the community together by having local residents share services such as transportation and promoting social opportunities.
The rideshare page was started by Wollaston Township community development co-ordinator Shannon O’Keefe in January. It had near overnight success zipping to more than 100 members. As of March 7 it had 214 members.
“This group is for anyone that needs a ride or is looking to offer space in their vehicle in exchange for gas money or other tradable services or goods,” reads the page’s description. Everyone who offers space in their car for a ride share must have rideshare insurance to insure everyone in the car is protected if an accident were to occur.
O’Keefe suggested the page is being used to get people from point A to point B who otherwise wouldn’t be able to. It’s a great service for those looking to attend community events such as educational workshops at A Place for the Arts which also began in January.
Bancroft ON, Things To Do is helping people find those community events they want to go to.
“This is a space for everyone to post events, workshops, fundraisers, fitness classes, talent nights, arts, etc. You get the idea. If you have an event you want others to know about, post it here and invite friends to this group… This is to promote happenings of interest in Bancroft and surrounding areas,” reads a description post from the page’s admin Monica Lumley-Piercey.
Event posts from North Hastings Children’s Services, Gnomes for Justice and Equality North Hastings Chapter and the Village Playhouse have been featured on the page.
Social media is allowing space for people to barter goods and services as money gets harder and harder to come by.
An example of these sharing pages is Wood Share. It’s helping kick-off the NHCT, BAFIA and Freymond Lumber wood sharing initiative across the region. All the information for those looking for help to heat their homes, to volunteer or donate are available.
Check out these pages and more by jumping on Facebook and searching their page titles.