Headline News

South Algonquin librarian reveals new and ongoing programs

January 14, 2025

By Michael Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Charlene Alexander, the CEO/head librarian of the South Algonquin Public Library, reached out to Bancroft This Week on Jan. 8 about their newest and ongoing programming offerings. She said that these programs and services demonstrate the library’s ongoing commitment to providing meaningful cultural and educational experiences for the South Algonquin and area community.

Alexander reached out to Bancroft This Week about these new and ongoing programs and services, saying she wanted to highlight them for the community. The first she mentioned were Canadian Museum of Nature passes, and that they were excited to announce that each branch of the library (in Whitney and Madawaska) now has three general admission passes to the museum.

“This provides an excellent cultural opportunity for our patrons,” she says.

The second item Alexander revealed were Ontario Parks passes.

“We’ve also renewed our Ontario Parks passes program, allowing more access to Ontario’s natural beauty and encouraging outdoor experiences for our community,” she says.

The third item Alexander mentioned was the Library Speakers Consortium, and she said they’re entering their second year offering it.

“This program features two to three online bestselling author events each month, which are streamed live to patrons across all member libraries. The live events also include interactive Q and A sessions, where participants can engage directly with the authors. Additionally, all events are archived and available for viewing after the live sessions, ensuring continued access to these valuable resources. To register for an event or to view archived events, visit https://libraryc.org/southalgonquinlibrary,” she says.

Alexander also revealed some upcoming virtual talks that will be happening in the coming months.

“On Jan. 15 at 7 p.m., TJ Klune will be having a talk entitled “The Magic of Found Family: In Conversation with author TJ Klune.” Klune is a New York Times and a USA Today bestselling author and a Lambda Literary Award-winning author of “The House in the Cerulean Sea.”

(https://libraryc.org/southalgonquinlibrary/64441), New York Times bestselling author of “Cultish and The Age of Magical Overthinking” Amanda Montell will be doing a talk entitled “Notes on Modern Irrationality” on Jan. 23 at 2 p.m.

https://libraryc.org/southalgonquinlibrary/64920). And lastly, but not least, Seth Fishman, the vice president and agent at The Gernert Company will be giving a talk called ‘An Inside Look at Working with a Literary Agent’ on Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. (https://libraryc.org/southalgonquinlibrary/65399),” she says.

Alexander told Bancroft This Week that these programs demonstrate the library’s ongoing commitment “to providing meaningful cultural and educational experiences for our community.”



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