Tag Archive "jane-kali"

NHCT settles into new location

Thanks to an enormous outpouring of donations and much labour of love, North Hastings Community Trust is now settled into a beautiful new home between A Place for the Arts and Life House on Bridge Street.

NHCT is moving and growing

North Hastings Community Trust is moving down Bridge Street to a larger location and it’s hoping the community can help.

Hydro remains a pressing issue heading into 2018

Ever since Premier Kathleen Wynne and the Ontario Liberals decided to sell Hydro One, people across the province have been struggling to keep their lights on. Finally caving to the loudening public opposition, the government announced last spring that they would be reducing residential hydro bills by an average of 25 per cent. 

Increase possible for water, sewer

Bancroft’s community safety and well-being committee met on Dec. 20 to discuss the impact of the 53 per cent increase to water and wastewater rates that kicked in at the start of 2017 and whether to impose another five per cent increase in 2018. 

Poverty in North Hastings

While slurping up a bowl of delicious homemade, locally grown carrot soup at A Place For The Arts last Tuesday, I had the opportunity to sit down for a chat with the North Hastings Community Trust’s program co-ordinator, Jane Kali.

Committee wants to hear from addicts

Bancroft’s community safety and well-being committee is hoping to team up with local organizations to stop the area’s growing needles and addictions problems.

Trust shines light on rural poverty

Non-permanent residents are being asked to look behind the scenes of their cottage communities in a new poverty report by local resource groups. 

No need to steal, it’s all about sharing

Recently wood from our wood sharing project was stolen.

Bancroft on fence for $15 wage

Last week’s announcement that the provincial Liberal government will be increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2019 was met with mixed reaction in Bancroft.

Report from water town hall released

The community organizations that hosted the water rates town hall in March have released their findings.

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