Tag Archive "town-hall"

Public meets, discusses fear of wastewater hikes

A report on public concerns and ideas for Bancroft’s doubled wastewater rates is being developed.

Water: we are all in this together

The Bancroft water and sewage issue, and the increase in cost for people already struggling to keep up with utility and housing costs and put food on their tables, is on all of our minds.

Electoral reform town hall greets enthusiasts and skeptics

Hastings—Lennox and Addington MP Mike Bossio hosted an electoral reform town hall last week to inform community members about alternatives to Canada’s first past the post (FPTP) voting system.

Reforming the electoral system

If you have been following politics recently you may know that there is a debate currently waging over what type of electoral system Canada should use for the next election. As someone who studied electoral reform I thought it may be valuable to give readers a taste of why our current First Past the Post system needs to be changed. Although there are advantages to First Past the Post: strong regional representation, a simple ballot, an efficient counting method; there are many significant disadvantages.

Eco-friendly locals meet at town hall

“The government of Canada, unlike in the past, is looking to consult with Canadians on what they want to see in a climate change plan,” Hastings–Lennox and Addington MP Mike Bossio explained, speaking to Bancroft and surrounding area community members who turned up at the 508 centre last week.

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