General News

TD Summer Reading Club is on for 2020

June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020

By Chris Drost

While the TD Summer Reading Club will not be an “in person” activity this year, it is still going ahead this summer, online.

“The TD Summer Reading Club is called the biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. There is something for everyone, including kids with print disabilities and preschoolers and their families,” says North Hastings Public Library CEO Kim McMunn.

Starting June 15 kids can be registered online at The good news is that it is both fun and free, according to McMunn.

This program provides a lot of different activities for kids that will keep them busy until school finally resumes in the fall. They can create an online notebook, print colouring pages, read eBooks, vote in the “Battle of the Books,” try their hand at reviewing books or participate in a weekly trivia activity.

There will also be opportunities to write stories, read and write jokes and read an original web comic. Additionally, kids will be able to view readings and workshops by Canadian children’s authors and illustrators.

The bonus, during July and August, NHPL will be posting additional online fun on Saturdays, with prizes available through curbside pick-up. Event coordinator Louise, is planning lots of online activities and will be posting some great library books and movie recommendations.
“Keep checking back to our NHPL Facebook page for new postings about all the fun activities this summer,” says McMunn.



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