April 13, 2017
To the Editor,
This Saturday past, I fainted at the Bancroft Legion. An ambulance was summoned and paramedics determined I had suffered a dramatic drop in blood pressure to approximately half my normal. That was subsequently well addressed by our own Dr. Fransky.
As a youngster, my sister and I would toboggan at a local golf club. We hadn’t the “advantage” of the helmets and body armour that today’s kids have, but we were dressed appropriately for conditions. It was of no mind as we considered ourselves indestructible. The goal was to generate enough speed to clear the berm at the bottom of the hill. In doing so, more often than naught, we would end up in the creek. We thought this hilarious, our parents not so much. We would arrive home as two shivering popsicles with assorted bumps and bruises. Mum and Dad would plunk us down by the register from the coal fired furnace and we were safe.
Sitting in the ambulance still somewhat disoriented with paramedics Kyle to my left and Christine to my right, I had an eerie feeling of déjà vu. I felt safe. These highly skilled professionals didn’t miss a beat and I knew I was in good hands! Thank you, Kyle. Thank you, Christine. Thank you to all the paramedics that regularly put themselves in harm’s way in their haste to attend to those of us in need.
I’ll not see an ambulance in quite the same light again.
David Forbes