April 21, 2016
To the Editor,
I am truly thankful when I see people coming together to assist strangers in need that my faith in humanity is not all in vain. Case in point, my husband and I have been purchased a four season residence on Tait Lake in L’Amable about four years ago and, although we have made efforts to meet our neighbours, as we are not full-time residents, we can go for long periods of time without even seeing them.
What an incredible surprise it was on Saturday, April 16, to see our front yard filled with our neighbours, Bancroft OPP and the Bancroft Firefighter Water Rescue team, who all came to assist us in getting our family dog, Tiger, out of the lake after he fell through the ice.
Special thank you goes out to our one neighbour who without much care for his own safety grabbed his canoe and made a valiant effort to reach Tiger only to have it tip over and gave him a much too early first swim of the season.
It broke my heart to see also that one of the firefighters took an unfortunate fall on our driveway when he was getting on his survival suit.
An ambulance had to be called to assist him and we understand that he sustained a broken hip.
Thank you, whoever you are, and our family wishes you a speedy recovery.
In all of the confusion that morning, that’s unfortunately what happened in that a lot of people that we thanked at the time, we unfortunately have forgotten their names but needed to tell you again how grateful that you all came to help and thankfully Tiger was rescued successfully.
Our family has discovered over the past few years that Bancroft is a beautiful place to live and it is very comforting to know that in a time of need so many people were unselfishly willing to help.
Thank you all again.
Laurie Ashagrie