
Unbelievable tax increase

April 5, 2016

To the Editor,

Living in Hastings Highlands does present all sorts of anxieties about what to expect next, but the recent tax increase proposal presented by HH staff, to the tune of 4.8 per cent, is so far out of touch that I think no one dreamed that our staff would have the nerve to even think it, let alone present it as a serious document.
With surrounding communities working hard to present responsible budgets without tax increases, Hastings Highlands surges forward with remarkable insensitivity to the struggling economy, the ever-rising police and hydro costs that are threatening our ability to buy necessary groceries, not to mention the pathetic condition of some of our roads.
There are tax payers in Hastings Highlands that are behind in their taxes and the proposal of 4.8 per cent will only add more tax payers to that list.
This is the time to show restraint, starting with the administration spending taxpayers’ money wisely on essentials (instead of on nice-to-haves.)
Responsible, accountable and transparent governance is OUR wish list, and it was also the election promise made by the mayor and council members.

Ed Kobylka PAC (HH) KAPOA
Political Action Chair, (Hastings Highlands) Kaminiskeg and Area Property Owners Association



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