Headline News

Webinar helps businesses communicate with customers

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020

By Michael Riley
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Hastings County Economic Development hosted a very special webinar called Social Media During a Crisis. The webinar was conducted by Katrina MacDonald, the founder of Kasama Marketing, and happened virtually from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on June 22.
MacDonald says that the webinar discussed how businesses and not for profit organizations can use social media to openly communicate with their audience during unprecedented times, like the current pandemic.
“Hastings County wanted our help to educate business owners on the importance of communicating safety protocols and reopening strategies to help build trust during these uneasy times. We will talk about how to communicate these safety protocols and the importance of communicating it on a business’ website and social media platforms. We will also help businesses generate excitement and intrigue, so that they can reconnect with their audience in preparation for when they are allowed to welcome customers back into their physical place of business. We have hosted a previous webinar before in partnership with Hastings County called Digital Marketing 101, so this webinar is sort of a follow-up to that.”
The webinar provided a social media guide with post ideas for business owners that are unsure of what content to post or need help generating excitement and intrigue leading up to their reopening. Business owners can also use it as a reference guide for future posts on their social media or blog,” she says.
MacDonald says the previous webinar had over 60 attendees registered from Hastings county and from all over Ontario. She also points out that people can sign up and catch the recording afterwards if the time slot didn’t align with their schedule. She says her company’s clients and followers on the Kasama Marketing social media platforms were excited to hear from her again and that they had a good turnout this time around.
Interested parties were able to email [email protected] if they had had any questions they wanted answered during the webinar. The question and answer period after the webinar addressed any queries the participants had.
“Social media is a great tool to help a business owner stay top of mind with their potential clients and customers,” she says. “Creating purposeful posts that are genuine and curated with clients and customers in mind whether it’s during a crisis or not, helps build trust and loyalty and hopefully generate engagement. We hope that this webinar will help them do just that.”



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