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What’s new in Bancroft?By Jody Didier There are always things brewing in Bancroft, some of which are a variety of unique and delicious, handcrafted beers available from the Bancroft Brewing Co. located at 2 Hastings Street North. Good-bye Dista Goguen We were sad to learn that Dista Goguen will be closing her Critter Comforts and Clips location in Bancroft, on March 31. Dista is a valuable member of the community and her philanthropic and volunteer efforts will be missed. Often the unsung hero, Dista has donated generously to a vast number of local charities and provided free services to Home Again, for their rescue animals — often on very short notice. A licensed veterinary technician, having passed her board exam 21 years ago, Dista is an immeasurable resource when it comes to pet care. She apprenticed with a master groomer for two years and has been grooming for 23. The good news is that she is committed to continuing professional grooming services from a base that will be here, in town, for her devoted clients. In addition, she will fill custom orders for food and supplies and bring them to Bancroft when she visits and we know you'll be happy to hear that, of course, Dottie and Etta will be coming along with her. Dista's number won't be changing, so you can continue to reach her at 613-332-1216. Honouring our veterans Everyone is very excited about the Honour a Veteran banner program that is now in place. This is a co-operative project between the Bancroft North Hastings Heritage Museum and the Bancroft Business Improvement Area, which are seeking sponsors for banners which will feature local (and area) men and women who have served, or are currently serving, in the Canadian military. Sponsors may have someone special who they would like to honour, or they may select from a list of known local veterans. Banners honouring our veterans will be displayed during the autumn months, as the summer flowers are removed and before the Christmas decorations are installed. Sponsorship is $125, which essentially covers costs, and application forms are available online at: and They are also available at the Town of Bancroft's offices. Space is limited and we are accepting orders on a first come, first served basis — so order yours today! |
Excerpt: There are always things brewing in Bancroft, some of which are a variety of unique and delicious, handcrafted beers available from the Bancroft Brewing Co. located at 2 Hastings Street North. |
Post date: 2017-03-23 00:00:38 Post date GMT: 2017-03-23 04:00:38 Post modified date: 2017-03-22 15:41:57 Post modified date GMT: 2017-03-22 19:41:57 |
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