
Why not?

February 11, 2016

Dear Councillor B. McGibbon,

You say that rather than asking “why?” you have to ask “why not?” Well, the release of the council expenses and attendance report has me asking some why nots of my own.
You say that you have more time for council now that your kids are older. You say it must be harder to be a councillor if you have small children and a job. You say you are concerned about a lack of representation for working people on council. You say you want to make Bancroft attractive to younger families.
My why not is this: If all the things you say are true then why have you not been attending more council meetings and committees? You have the lowest attendance, and the lowest number of other boards/ committees. You are the only councillor whose boards are in the single digits. I believe that Councillor Kilpatrick is the only member of council that has young children, but he seems to be attending consistently. You say you spend all your time and energy speaking to taxpayers, but you can’t represent the working people with families if you are not showing up. So, please tell me, “Why not?”
Art Kenwood



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