Worry about getting right with God, not climate change
February 11, 2020
Jan. 29, 2020
To the Editor,
Re: Injustice or disorder, Friday, Jan. 24 (Bill Kilpatrick’s letter)
Bill, I often enjoy your letters … sadly this is not one of those times.
Why are we tilting at windmills as if we can do anything substantive about climate change, pandemics, and pretty much anything else on a global scale? Certainly those with obscene amounts of wealth can affect change at that level, but the last time I looked none of those types reside in the Bancroft area. Also, when was the last time the “rich” were forced to do anything against their will, unless of course you are talking about communism.
Rather than giving our children nightmares about this or that perceived global crisis, I suggest the following:
- Focus on the community – that is where our efforts can and do make a difference… for ourselves and our neighbours… and we can take comfort knowing that we are making a difference here and now, instead of continuing to flail at national/global issues that are out of our control.
- Focus on hope – there is always hope, no matter how dire our circumstances… hope is an underestimated and under-utilized commodity and will greatly assist with step one above.
- Focus on faith – I was under the impression, perhaps wrongly, that the majority of Bancroftonians are people of faith. There is more to this life than the here and now… If we get right with God, and also with our families/friends/neighbours, then nothing can rattle us.
And so to that end, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct your paths.”
Contentment comes not from unfulfilled wants but rather appreciation for what we have, right now. And many of us have much to be thankful for as we press on to help our neighbours and community. Let us start by helping those around us with little…
And when the end comes, and it eventually will, we can hold our heads up knowing we’re good and faithful stewards with what we were given.
Ian Moone,